852 3411 5753 chris@hkbu.edu.hk

Krzysztof Sliwinski, PhD


Acting Head of Department, Department of Government and International Studies (July 2019 – Agust 2019)

Associate Head of Department, Department of Government and International Studies (September 2018 – August 2019)

Director of Master of Arts in Global Society (September 2018 – August 2021)

Acting Director of Master of Public Administration (July 2018 – January 2019)

Associate Professor, Department of Government and International Studies

Treasurer of Hong Kong Political Science Association (June 2012 – November 2016)

Treasurer of Hong Kong Association for European Studies (January 2009 – present)

Coordinator of Hong Kong Model European Union – European Union Academic Programme (September 2012 – present)

Coordinator of Asia-Pacific Model European Union (September 2015 – present)

External Examiner at Government and International Relations Program in United International College in Zhu Hai (March 2009 – present)

Off-Campus Learning Advisors, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKBU (2018-2020)

Research Gate profile


Subjects taught

Model European Union (EURO 2015)

Comparative Politics of Post-Communist Central Europe (EURO 2610)

Current Issues of European Integration (EURO 3140)

Topics in European Politics (EURO 3690)

Foundations of Political Science (POLS 1510)

Foundations of International Relations (POLS 2130)

Security Studies (POLS 3760)

Concepts, Theories and Institutions of Global Studies (SOSC 7310)

Debating Global Society (SOSC 7320)

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Awards and Prizes

Faculty Award for Early Career Academic (Teaching) 2015-2016

President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching 2017 (video)

Nominated for the University Grants Council 2017 Teaching Award (nomination package), (nomination certificate)

Long Service Award (ten years) awarded in 2018 by Hong Kong Baptist University


Ph.D., Warsaw University, Poland (2005)

MA, graduate with distinction, Warsaw University, Poland (2001)

BA graduate with distinction, Warsaw University, Poland (1999)

Visiting Professorships and Fellowships


Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA). (In recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education).
Fellowship reference – PR180206,   Date of Fellowship – 25/09/2020

Member of the PoSoc19 – https://www.posoc19.org/ , https://www.posoc19.org/membres/drsliwinskikrzysztof/

Visiting Academic at the Australian Catholic University, the Institute for Religion, Politics and Society (20.1.2020 – 2.3.2020)

Invited as visiting scholar at the National Centre for Research on Europe at the University of Canterbury for the second semester of AY  2019/2020 – postponed due to COVID19 pandemic.

Nonresident Senior Fellow of the Center for Globalization Hong Kong (CGHK)

Previous Teaching Experience

Assistant Professor, The Institute of International Relations, Warsaw University, Poland (2005-2007)

Major Research Interests

British Foreign Policy and Security Strategy; Polish Foreign Policy and Security Strategy;
Security and Strategic Studies; Non-traditional Security Issues, European Politics and the European Union

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